An Interesting Tribute to the IMF

Nah, I am not going to talk about Singapore Idol. It is beyond repair. First they give Paul Twohill a song sung by Adam Sandler that is actually a clueless, lovesick tune. Suffice to say when it was announced, there was a collective howl in the family.

I am going to amuse myself by focussing on an interesting word.

First word: INTEREST.

I found it mighty curious how important the word was in a Jane Austen novel. In eighteenth century England, it refers to the money that you can make from "growing" money, having a principal sum on which interest is accrued.
example: "the fortune earned him a tidy interest, a sum that made him the envy of all the men and won him the regard of all the ladies."

Interestingly, it also refers to the feelings of regard that one may have for another of the opposite sex.
example: (modern day) "she was clearly interested in him".

And since we use the phrase "vested interest", the word "interest" takes on the metaphorical meaning so having a stake in something and standing to gain or lose from it.
example: "he had an interest in the affair that was clear for all to see".

I have no interest now in Singapore Idol, the way I see it only Ken Lim really has any interest in the outcome because of Hype Records' stake in it. The voters - I don't know what they are interested in!


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